How to Choose the Right Font for a Website?

How to Choose the Right Font for a Website?

Why can you read these lines? It is because you recognise the combination of the letters in the words used. The fact that you are able to read these letters and words at all is because a professional typographer designed them.

He or she not only designed the letters but also decided how much space is required between the letters and the words. Horizontally between each letter and word, but also vertically, between the lines.

Not being aware of typographical rules makes it very difficult to use the right font for a website.

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How to Use Typography in Web Design? 7 Proven Do’s and Don’ts

How to Use Typography in Web Design? 7 Proven Do’s and Don’ts

The guidelines for typography in web design are not that different from the guidelines for text in any use. Whether on a screen or on paper, on a truck or on the facade of an office, always ask yourself: “Can people read this in an easy and clear way?”

Almost half of all websites worldwide are made with WordPress, including this website. While WordPress simplifies a lot of typographic decisions, it is still important to have a basic understanding of how typography works.

The following tips apply to both using HTML and CSS, as well as WordPress or any other CMS (Content Management System) website.

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Why Do Typeface Designers Use Optical Illusions?

Why Do Typeface Designers Use Optical Illusions?

Typeface designers and graphic designers know that if they work mathematically and exact, everybody will think they are bad designers. They have to use tricks to make sure that designs are well-balanced.

In What are the Benefits of Negative Space for Designers and Artists? I explained the trick of negative space. In this article, I will explain how designers use optical illusions.

Some techniques require adjustments that might not be optical illusions in the usual sense but are nonetheless necessary. I will give an example of that as well.

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What is the Purpose of a Ligature in Typography?

What is the Purpose of a Ligature in Typography?

Ligature has a lot of meanings. The word is used in music, medicine, and language. This article is about the meaning of ligature in typography.

If computers had been invented before the printing technique, I wonder if there would have existed ligatures the way they do now. I am so glad that my education in my youth included hand-setting loose lead letters.

This literally gave me a feeling of the typographic origin of corpses, leading and kerning, as well as ligatures.

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