What to See in Antwerp, Belgium, Including Unknown Hot Spots

What to See in Antwerp, Belgium, Including Unknown Hot Spots

In the Netherlands, we lived 5 miles from the Belgium border. Crossing the border really meant crossing a frontier, despite that small distance.

As soon as you are in the neighbourhood of the border you can see that the street is different (ask any professional cyclist – Belgian cobblestone roads are famous), the houses are built with materials we don’t use in the Netherlands and on a back road it even shows that nature looks different. In the Netherlands everything is clean-cut, Belgium is cozier.

For Tom and me, Antwerp was closer than Amsterdam, so if we wanted to sniff some culture we usually went there. What to see in Antwerp? There is a lot of variety and the terraces are great!

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The Art of Being Creative Sparked by Mutual Inspiration, 7 Tips

The Art of Being Creative Sparked by Mutual Inspiration

There is a beautiful story about sharing food or ideas: if I have 2 potatoes and share them with a friend, we both have 1 potato. If I share 2 ideas with a friend, we both have 2 ideas.

Mutual inspiration is extremely nourishing and satisfying. An activity together with someone else, whether it is walking, doing crafts or talking, gives such a good feeling. After all, a human being is a social being and we better exploit that.

It doesn’t just happen out of the blue. If we want to do something together with someone, we have to take action. In this article, I explain how I do that.

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