What are Vector Drawings and How to Easily Make Them?

What are Vector Drawings and How to Easily Make Them?

The screens of our smartphones and computers are composed of pixels. However, the way an image is constructed can be either by rasterization (pixel art) or with geometric vector lines (vector art).

Vector drawings take up much fewer data than rasterized images and can be enlarged almost endlessly without losing quality.

The reason for the large files with pixel files is that each pixel has to be described. While a vector file consists of commands such as ‘one point is at these coordinates, the other point is at those coordinates, the connection is a curved line, and the colour is #xxxx’.

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Is it Important to Know the Difference between Pixels and Vectors?

Is it Important to Know the Difference between Pixels and Vectors?

Digital images are built up on your screen from either pixels or vectors. There is a huge difference between pixels and vectors that are not always noticeable by just looking at the result.

Does this difference matter to us? Well, it depends on the intended use. When you browse a website and look at the pages, it doesn’t matter how the images are constructed.

However, if you have your own website and create images, you should be aware of the differences.

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