12 Tips to Find Inspiration to Make Art when We Are Stuck

12 Tips to Find Inspiration to Make Art when We Are Stuck

Usually, we find inspiration to make art when we are not looking for it. We are in the shower or preparing dinner and ideas pop into our heads. We walk through nature or in a city and are inspired by what we see or experience.

Then we are so in the flow that we do not need extra inspiration. At other times we have to consciously search for it because we want to create but just don’t know how and what. We’re stuck.

To get the inspiration process going, I’ll give you 12 tips in this article.

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What are Vector Drawings and How to Easily Make Them?

What are Vector Drawings and How to Easily Make Them?

The screens of our smartphones and computers are composed of pixels. However, the way an image is constructed can be either by rasterization (pixel art) or with geometric vector lines (vector art).

Vector drawings take up much fewer data than rasterized images and can be enlarged almost endlessly without losing quality.

The reason for the large files with pixel files is that each pixel has to be described. While a vector file consists of commands such as ‘one point is at these coordinates, the other point is at those coordinates, the connection is a curved line, and the colour is #xxxx’.

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