2019 082 At times I hate the computer
Computer troubles today. Grrr. Or actually software problems. Just as bad of course. My patience has been tested.
Computer troubles today. Grrr. Or actually software problems. Just as bad of course. My patience has been tested.
Belonging to yesterday’s post of the nest.
Spring started. Still too early for birds eggs of course, but for me it’s a symbol of Spring.
In Holland we often had apple pie with a coffee or tea when we went out. But since we eat sugarless and are not too fond of the Spanish apple pie (if we can find it) anyhow, we have developed a new favorite: tostado con tomate. Tom can also make the tomato sauce himself now … Read more
More clouds but also sun today.
What I like most of rainy, clouded days like today is the coif the mountains have. Although I realize that on the painting it’s just as hard to see as on a photograph.
In the old days I played Irish music, so the 17th of March still is ingrained in my head as “Oh, it’s St. Patrick’s Day”. 🙂 As Irish friends remarked the other day: “Isn’t it something that people do know who the patron saint of Ireland is, but not if their own country has one”. … Read more
Falling on the mountain path is NOT fun.
Eating out with new friends. It’s a good way of getting to know each other better. And the food was excellent, which was an extra perk.