adobe illustrator
2019 223 Zoo
The whole bunch of semi-circles. I am not going to retire the animal drawings. But I quit the semi-circle for now.
2019 196
My son gave me a snail today so I would have an idea what to draw.
2019 194 Sugarbombs
Why do we think we do our children a favor by giving them sweets with a lot of sugar?
2019 193 Paying it forward
I had an appointment with a Dutch friend. She spoke Spanish with me and corrected me or explained what I didn’t understand. It was brilliant. She used to be a Spanish and English teacher, so she knows what she is doing. I helped a friend with his graphic design. That used to be my profession … Read more
2019 187 With a rocket into space
I get a lot of inspiration from the grandkids now that they are here again. Together with their father they were drawing a rocket from an example on YouTube. Look at how nice:
2019 159 Lots of stairs
After the olive trees and the stones came all the stairs. We were happy to find out that the way up was an escalator. Usually we don’t take those. This time we gave in.
2019 123 Another leaf
No idea of which plant this leaf is.