2019 103 Piling up
There is one big disadvantage of going away for a couple of days and not bringing a laptop along: The huge pile of emails that waits for me when I am back!
There is one big disadvantage of going away for a couple of days and not bringing a laptop along: The huge pile of emails that waits for me when I am back!
We went to a nature park today with mainly reed and dried grass. What struck my eyes were the nuances in gray. Making me wonder how much color I can add to gray while still being able to call it gray. It turns out I just need a tiny bit of a color to change … Read more
The grandsons wanted to go to the park. They wanted to see the ducks, while I was looking at the patterns and colors in the water.
A sad day today for my son, his wife and the grandkids. This morning the mother of our daughter in law passed away. Rest In Peace, Angelines. <3
Our friends left real early this morning and didn’t have the chance to witness how the weather should actually be this time of year. It’s such a pity their days here were mostly cloudy and sometimes even rainy. I am experimenting with ‘brushes’ in Procreate. Aren’t these clouds looking very real? Anyway the sun was … Read more
Yesterday evening we could witness quite a sight: the sun going down, turning everything into orange together with sea mist against the mountain wall and below on the ground. Beautiful!
An exercise in gradients. Every form has one, except for the white breakline.
There is a restaurant in the middle of the Sierra Espuña with picnic tables on the terrace. Halfway lunch a fox usually turns up to beg for food. People feed him so often that he (or she, I wouldn’t know the difference) even eats out of people’s hand. In the Zoo there is always a … Read more
I did a brain test today, which was a real challenge. The results were surprising. On naming the colours I scored better than 45% of people in my age group (65-69). The difficulty was that the text of the colours was different from the actual colour. I did name them correctly, but it took me … Read more