2019 148 Mwah
I had a bad mood today. 🙁
I had a bad mood today. 🙁
This is a drawing for a “Get well soon” card. I am getting quite a series of wishing cards.
The Spanish name of this insect is Cucaracha. Which is a nice name. I don’t like the insect itself however. Yikes. There seem to be 4 kinds of cockroaches in Spain. We haven’t seen any here yet. We are so lucky and hopefully it stays that way! 🙂
The grandchildren went to the Zoo today and were in awe for the hippopotamus. Or as ‘opa’ calls it, a hiphoptamus.
Trying stencil painting the digital way.
What do you think, abstract or the letter X?
It was all dinosaurs when the grandchildren were visiting us. The eldest knows them all by heart now. I should have asked him what kind of dinosaur this is. Because I don’t know.
We bought chantarelles today. Tom – who is the cook in the house – has a great way of preparing them, making me look forward to the next meal!
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade Yesterday’s visit inspired both Tom and me to ‘do’ something with lemons.