The Inspiration, Process, and Results of my Abstract Ceramics

The Inspiration, Process, and Results of my Abstract Ceramics

Until 2016 I was a ceramicist. Nowadays I still consider myself an artist but I no longer have a kiln and work in other materials and other forms of art.

My ceramics was focused mainly on sculptural and abstract forms.

On previous occasions, I wrote about my photography. And made several How-To-articles about ceramics, but here I want to introduce you to my abstract ceramics*.

* Abstract means it’s not recognizable as a real or figurative subject

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How to Make the Perfect Clay Rolls with an Unveiled Secret Solution

How to Make the Perfect Clay Rolls with an Unveiled Secret Solution

Usually, our first introduction to clay is making a thumb pot. And because the size is then limited, this is followed by making clay rolls.

Making clay rolls or coils seems like such an easy technique but as with all techniques, it becomes easy with experience and the right actions.

And sometimes someone has to give you the right idea, as I learned in a clay workshop. Ideas that are like the egg of Columbus are the best, don’t you think? So, how to make the perfect clay rolls?

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