Compare Web Hosting Providers – a Review of Namecheap and Siterubix

Compare Web Hosting Providers - a Review of Namecheap and Siterubix

When did I make my first website? I can’t remember exactly, it must have been 1995 or 1996. I don’t even remember which hosting providers I had during all those years, but as you can imagine there were quite a few.

To compare web hosting providers I will stick to the 2 that I use or used most recently: Namecheap and Siterubix.

My and my husband’s websites were hosted by Namecheap when I joined the Wealthy Affiliate community. Siterubix is an integral component of Wealthy Affiliate and my new websites are hosted there.

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11 Steps to Start a Website for Personal or Business Use

11 Steps to Start a Website for Personal or Business Use

When you start something new, all the required steps can be overwhelming, to say the least. And this is especially the case when you want to start a new website. I want to break down this complicated process for you in 11 steps.

I won’t promise that makes it easier, but it surely will give you a bigger sense of control, which does wonders for your peace of mind. A relaxed mind can be more creative and productive than a stressed one.

In this article, I describe 11 steps to start a website. I will add some information to each step. Either by describing it here or by providing the link to an extensive article I wrote about that specific issue.

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