2019 185 Trouble in the house
I sure hope the house is not falling apart. Another problem today: internet connection failed. Maybe the router didn’t like all the electricity problems of yesterday.
I sure hope the house is not falling apart. Another problem today: internet connection failed. Maybe the router didn’t like all the electricity problems of yesterday.
Short circuit somewhere in a device, so we partly had no electricity. No power outlet worked. Nor the kitchen appliances. But strangely enough we had light everywhere. I only had to call the insurance company for a solution once, but was called by 3 different technicians who all started by asking me “Does the light … Read more
182 Days of this year are in the past.182 Days of this year are in the future.This means I already fulfilled half of my goal!
My first – painting – love: watercolor.
The eldest had a school project about the space. When I showed him this drawing he said: Earth Mars Moon Jupiter This means two things: he is very clever, and my drawing was good enough for him to recognize it. Phew. 🙂
Football Baseball Basketball Bowlingball
Or don’t smile, if you don’t feel like it.
Big Normal Small Dot
Flat Sphere Tube Bowl