2019 109 Easter egg
We got an Easter wishcard yesterday, so I had to make one of my own as well. I never understood what hares had to do with eggs. Although a chick with a chocolate egg is a bit strange as well, isn’t it?
We got an Easter wishcard yesterday, so I had to make one of my own as well. I never understood what hares had to do with eggs. Although a chick with a chocolate egg is a bit strange as well, isn’t it?
I am more satisfied about yesterday’s drawing.
Healthy and delicious, mmmmm…
Grrr, this is how I felt about internet today – a black hole with some light bulbs now and again. Oh well, it’s something we have to live with over here in Spain. We were really spoiled in the Netherlands with our fast internet. Yesterday I read a newspaper story about how some PR lady … Read more
We have ONE Paradise flower in the garden. I guess the garden has been left alone too long before we moved in here. Otherwise there would have been more probably. Last month I put fertilizer with the plants and it feels like a real present that now we have at least one flower. There will … Read more
One of the painters I really admire is Cy Twombly. Ever since my art education he is one of my favorites. This trial of mine doesn’t come near his work, but I do like trying.
There is one big disadvantage of going away for a couple of days and not bringing a laptop along: The huge pile of emails that waits for me when I am back!
We went to a nature park today with mainly reed and dried grass. What struck my eyes were the nuances in gray. Making me wonder how much color I can add to gray while still being able to call it gray. It turns out I just need a tiny bit of a color to change … Read more
The grandsons wanted to go to the park. They wanted to see the ducks, while I was looking at the patterns and colors in the water.