Intermezzo – Get Inspiration from Creativity

Intermezzo - Get Inspiration from Creativity

Inspiration and creativity are must-haves for me. I make drawings, collages or mixed media in some kind of theme.

It helps me keep my creative skills flowing.

An intermezzo is a short piece of music written to be played on its own or as part of a longer piece. For me, it’s a welcome break from my daily activities.

In the video are a couple of examples.

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How to Clean Greasy Hands Quickly in an Eco-Friendly Way?

How to Clean Greasy Hands Quickly in an Eco-Friendly Way?

People today are living longer than they were a few centuries ago because of improved hygiene. But if you wash your hands and body too often, you run the risk of actually weakening your immune system. Exaggerating is never good.

Artists have to clean greasy hands a lot. And since the pandemic, we wash our hands even more than before.

In addition to being bad for the environment, many products are harmful to our skin as well.

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Inspired by Flags: Red, White, and Blue in Pictures

Inspired by Flags: Red, White, and Blue in Pictures

A lot of countries have flags in the colours red, white and blue. The USA, the Netherlands, France, the UK – to name a few.

I looked for inspiration by sorting several of my photographs in specific colours. As a result, I made this article about red, white, and blue in pictures.

Thematic photography is an unending source of inspiration in my view. Try it yourself, if you want. Maybe the theme-spark will catch you as well. 🙂

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