Plan A Visit To Discover Art In Belgium, 2024 Looks Promising

Plan A Visit To Discover Art In Belgium

When Tom and I still lived in the Netherlands we often visited Belgium. When we were young we were attracted by the cafes and the amazing variety of Belgian beers as much as by the rich history.

Later we mainly visited museums like the Art Museums of Brussels and Antwerp or the Designmuseum in Gent (unfortunately closed until 2026). 

As we live in Spain now, we can’t go that often and have to plan a visit to see art in Belgium, yet 2024 will be a time to go. The main reason is the Triennale Beaufort but our visit will also include the Verbeke Foundation and probably Bruges.

Sculptures on the coast

Beaufort 2009
The sea theme is quite obvious sometimes, Beaufort 2009.

The first Beaufort sculpture exhibition was organised in 2003. This year’s event is the 8th one. I am not sure how many of those we saw. Less than we wanted, that’s certain.

Some of the statues stay on their site once the event is over, so each time we were also able to see a couple of the former contributions. On Wikipedia is a list of the sculptures that were bought. Unfortunately only in Dutch and French, but you’ll get a good overview.

Art that makes you think

Depending on the theme and the curator, the emphasis of the event is different every time. The sea theme is the overarching idea, sometimes with an emphasis on materials or technology and other times more socially critical.

Related: What Styles or Subjects Inspired Visual Artists in the 1960s?

Slow travel at your ease

A tram track runs along the entire Belgian coast. Ideal for visiting Beaufort locations without the hassle of parking. Day tickets are available.

Another good way to travel between locations with ease is to use a bicycle. Apart from occasional low dunes, the coast is flat, so cycling does not require much effort (unless there is a storm of course).

Beaufort 2009
Beaufort 2009.
Beaufort 2009
The refugee problem was already present in 2009. This work of art was an indictment against imprisonment.

Verbeke Foundation near the Dutch border

The Verbeke Foundation in Belgium has been on my list of favourite museums and galleries for some time now. What an exceptional and surprising location.

It starts when you drive up. What is it: a factory, a transhipment point, or a greenhouse? It is obvious that we are not far from the port of Antwerp. During our visit in 2012, ‘port-like’ things could also be seen in the rest of the entourage, such as a life raft and a lookout post.

Related: Insel Hombroich, a Stunning Place of Art, Architecture and Nature

Love for remarkable things

I really liked the mix of old and new, which in my opinion always works well. Old containers, rusted materials and opposite walls consisting of modern mesh with stones.

It is not always easy art that you get to see. Take, for example, the cow carcasses that hung prominently in the centre of the room in 2012. And the exhibition of insects and spider webs made me shudder.

A striking amount of the art had a relationship with laboratories, literally very investigative.

Verbeke Foundation 2012
Verbeke Foundation, 2012.
Verbeke Foundation 2012
Cows on display.

Outdoor space

The Verbeke outdoor area is very reminiscent of Insel Hombroich, although the scale is smaller here. It also looks a bit like the Kröller-Muller Museum because of the combination of an indoor museum and a large sculpture garden.

Verbeke Foundation 2012
Metal horses, 2012.
Verbeke Foundation 2012
Bamboo circle.


There are regularly changing exhibitions, so a visit is well worth it. In addition, this is an initiative to support. It takes quite a bit of courage and perseverance to build and maintain such a gallery.

Related: Is the Remote Situated Kröller-Müller Museum Worth Visiting?

Lots of art in Belgium

Le Grand Hornu
Le Grand Hornu, 2022

Apart from the obvious tourist places like Bruges and Brussels, there is more in Belgium worth a visit. A project, for instance, we loved to see is Le Grand Hornu. This is a former mining complex that is rebuilt into a museum slash community centre. Very interesting place.

Some dates and addresses 

  • Beaufort 2024, Coast of Belgium, 27-03-2024 / 03-11-2024
  • Antwerp and Ostend: Ensor 2024, special tribute;
  • Mu.ZEE, Romestraat 11, Ostend;
  • Bruges: Triennale – Spaces of Possibility 13-04-2024 / 01-09-2024;
  • KMSKA, Leopold de Waelplaats 1, Antwerp: Ensor – Wildest Dreams 28-09-2024 / 18-01-2024;
  • Le Grand Hornu, Rue Sainte-Louise 82, Boussu

Have you visited Belgium? What did you like most? Tell me in the comment box below.

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4 thoughts on “Plan A Visit To Discover Art In Belgium, 2024 Looks Promising”

  1. It’s not my habit of picking fights. But is your view of art in Belgian not a little bit limited?

    What about Brussels? And Liège (Luik in Dutch)? Or Louvain (Leuven)? Is it because you’re Dutch that you prefer the Flemish part of the country?

    Of course, I admit that the French part of Belgian is predominantly known for its natural beauty and not for modern art. Or classic or medieval for that matter.

    • LOL, no, I don’t experience your question as a fight, Sjef. In fact you are quite right, I don’t know a lot about the Walloon part of Belgium. It’s not because I am Dutch (I understand French) but I guess it does have an origin of the area in the Netherlands where I was born. Had I lived in Maastricht, it would have been different.

      We used to hike in the Ardennes when we were younger. That was beautiful, and so different from hiking in the mountains where we live now. We should plan a hiking holiday there!

      Thanks for your reaction, and take care.

  2. It’s a bit silly, but this is how it works, I guess… you plan your visit to Belgium from Spain and write about it; I read your blog post and realized it’s about time to get to Beaufort this year because I missed all the previous times!

    Thanks a million, Hannie; I will also have my Belgium Art Spring this year! I will finally cycle a route between Beaufort locations and revisit the marvelous Verbeke Foundation.

    The art at Verbeke Foundation is certainly not easy; I still get the shivers from the mighty ‘Ar…t macht frei’ in the entrance hall. It is both awful (as it references to Arbeit macht frei) and incredible and meaningful.

    • I am always so glad, Kadanza, to be able to inspire people one way or another. And because I saw a couple former Beaufort editions, I know it’s very worthwhile. For both of us I hope the sun will shine when we visit because that adds so much to the special atmosphere. Let me know what you thought of it, once you have visited, please!

      When I discovered it has been 8 years ago I visited the Verbeke Foundation, I was shocked. Such a long time and I wasn’t sure the Art macht frei was temporary or permanent. Obviously it’s the latter.
      I really like it that their art choices are not the obvious ones. That makes the place so special. As well as the environment. 🙂

      Have fun when you are there.


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