2019 167 Talking for a long time
As my friend said: “Talking on the telephone for a long time gives you a red ear”.
As my friend said: “Talking on the telephone for a long time gives you a red ear”.
Doodling in the app Procreate.
I was interviewed today by an American lady. Now that was what I call fun. And useful at the same time. I had to contemplate about my ideas of being an entrepreneur.
A handful of nuts each day is very healthy.
A lot of companies have an animal in their name – Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, BeaverFunnels. I wonder why that is?
We were walking at the boulevard near the sea. Not that I saw any shells – I just love the image as a representation of the sea.
Finally I dove into my own pool. We have never had a pool and until now it was too cold and too windy to try out the water. It is lovely! I swam my first 100 meters as a form of exercise.
During our holiday we had a water system with wool and cotton threads that came out of a bottle with water and went into the earth. It didn’t function 100% the way I wanted. It was very hot during our absence and the threads couldn’t keep up with the evaporation. So a couple of plants … Read more
After the olive trees and the stones came all the stairs. We were happy to find out that the way up was an escalator. Usually we don’t take those. This time we gave in.