Compare Web Hosting Providers – a Review of Namecheap and Siterubix

Compare Web Hosting Providers - a Review of Namecheap and Siterubix

When did I make my first website? I can’t remember exactly, it must have been 1995 or 1996. I don’t even remember which hosting providers I had during all those years, but as you can imagine there were quite a few.

To compare web hosting providers I will stick to the 2 that I use or used most recently: Namecheap and Siterubix.

My and my husband’s websites were hosted by Namecheap when I joined the Wealthy Affiliate community. Siterubix is an integral component of Wealthy Affiliate and my new websites are hosted there.

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Is Affiliate Marketing a Good Way for Artists to Earn Extra Income?

Is Affiliate Marketing a Good Way for Artists to Earn Extra Income?

Through affiliate marketing, a business rewards an affiliate partner for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. 

As a result, a company can gain more exposure and increase sales by allowing individuals or organizations (affiliates) to promote its products or services. When the affiliate drives a sale or other action for the company, they earn a commission.

It makes sense that artists want to create, so why would affiliate marketing be a good idea as a means of generating extra income?

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How to Make Money from your Hobby or Passion?

How to Make Money from your Hobby or Passion?

In 20 Ideas on how to make money after retirement on another website, I offered some possibilities to earn extra cash. But what if you have no idea how and where to start to make money from your hobby? I’ll give you some ideas here.

One of the most important conditions is that you are creative in coming up with possibilities.

“But I’m not creative at all,” I hear you say. Well, that’s the first thought you should let go of. Everyone is creative, for the simple reason that you are not born with it and can develop it.


In an adaptation of Edison’s quote:
“Creativity is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.

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What is Canva Used for and 5 More Important Questions

What is Canva Used for and 5 More Important Questions

Once your website makes enough money, assuming that’s your goal, you can outsource everything. But until then, you can use programs like Canva. Which leaves the question: What is Canva used for?

Having a website of your own means that you will use images. Not everybody wants to use images in their articles, but I can assure you it’s better to include them as most of us are visually oriented.

By adding images you have more impact on your visitors. Our brain processes 9 times more visual than textual information. Moreover, the brain takes up visually displayed information 60.000 times faster than textual.

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