2019 121
I cheated today. I liked the drawing of my eldest grandson, so I used his one!
I cheated today. I liked the drawing of my eldest grandson, so I used his one!
We bought chantarelles today. Tom – who is the cook in the house – has a great way of preparing them, making me look forward to the next meal!
Ordinary wrapping paper often is a beautiful material to draw on. The structure and the color is a gift.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade Yesterday’s visit inspired both Tom and me to ‘do’ something with lemons.
Pretending to be a Chinese writer. 🙂
Why are purple grapes called blue? One of the mysteries of language. Interesting fact that I learned during a wine course I followed years ago, is that red wine can never be made of white grapes (that are green by the way). But white wine can be made of blue grapes, if they are peeled … Read more
I feel another series coming to life.