Form Research and Different Drawing Techniques

Form Research and Different Drawing Techniques

A great way to explore different drawing techniques is to tackle just one subject. Something as simple as an apple is perfect for this.

The shape is geometric. You can draw it both spatially and flat, with or without shadow, in colour or black and white.

All kinds of drawing and painting techniques are eligible. If I want to draw but don’t have much inspiration for a subject, an apple is always a good alternative.

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2019 028 Bujo February

In the end (also see yesterday’s post) I decided for a handwritten first letter and printed others. And although it’s not Carnival in February I wanted a festive design. So here you go; scribbles and stars. I used several digital tools this time: Procreate on the iPad and Illustrator and Photoshop on the Mac. So … Read more

2019 023 Journaling

Part of my diary is a BuJo, or a BulletJournal. The difference with a ‘normal’ diary is the style. A BuJo is pointwise and short, where a diary will be extended text at times. The Bullet Journal was developed by Ryder Carroll with the intention of living intentionally. Nowadays there are hundreds of Pinterest and … Read more

2019 015 Delft blue

I am in a business challenge: One Funnel Away. Today’s assignment was to tell my fellow challenge companions what struck me most in one of Russell Brunsons videos. I decided to combine that assignment with my personal goal! In Holland “Delft’s blauw” is famous. Especially for their tile wisdom or in proper English that’s probably … Read more