Possible Mistakes in Cyanotype and Some Useful Solutions

Possible Mistakes in Cyanotype and Some Useful Solutions

If you start a new hobby, you will make mistakes. That’s part of the game, also when you make cyanotypes, and it’s okay.

Some mistakes are final, but that’s “tuition money” most of the time. Other errors can either be covered up or corrected. And some mistakes have a surprising effect. Beautiful results came from accidental errors.


The most important tip is to keep a log so that you know what you did. ​By the way, a log is also convenient to repeat successful results.

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How to Get Started with Cyanotype to Create Splendid Blue Prints?

How to Get Started with Cyanotype to Create Splendid Blue Prints?

Some years ago a Dutch friend, Jenny van Diggelen, Blauwwerk, gave me a workshop on Cyanotype Printing. I wasn’t sold right away because I was in the middle of emigrating.

Once in order in my new house, I was again inspired by the blue colour and the possibilities of cyanotype. 

It took some getting used to the Spanish sun and sometimes the sun really shines too bright to make nuanced tests. Which makes experimenting all the more interesting. 

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