2019 012 Catching up on Facebook

The inspiration came from Facebook. I started my New Years resolution of 1 drawing a day on January 1st. But forgot the first few days to also post them on Facebook. I was posting twice a day until now. I am finally catching up: the 12th drawing on January 12. Hence the like-thumb, giving me … Read more

2019 011 Ehhh…

Everyone has his fads and fancies. Mine is that art is very important in people’s lives. Ever since the financial crisis started there is an atmosphere in Holland, and probably in other countries as well, that art is a hobby. So creative development is skipped from the curriculum at schools. Bad mistake!!

2019 010 I went to the hairdresser

I usually don’t like to go to the hairdresser. Most of the time my hair sucks after a visit. Not sure yet what the result is today. This is made in the app Procreate. Last summer a friend was visiting us and showed his new iPad with Apple Pencil. I couldn’t resist myself and had … Read more