Attractive Combining Handmade Frames with Photoshop Editing

Combining Handmade Frames with Photoshop Skills

In this article, I explain how to make a handmade frame and combine it with layers in Photoshop in an easy way. The end result appears to be the outcome of masking, but it is actually the result of selecting and deleting.

In the starting years of the availability of computers for everyone, I met a professional illustrator who said he had bought a computer and some illustration programs because he was sick and tired of getting dirty hands while drawing.

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2019 032 Damaging the paper

Ohhh, I am so happy that all my stuff is around me now. I have missed most of my pencils, paint and paper last year, because I carried just a few tools during our trip. This apple has been drawn with a Karisma Graphite Aquarelle pencil. Usually pencils are sort of waterproof, this one isn’t. … Read more