Creating Unique Text in an Art Journal and my Pages of January 2023

Creating Unique Text in an Art Journal and my Pages of January 2023

My personal challenge, an assignment to make a collage daily for 365 days, is almost halfway.

This month I focused on the combination of text and image. As I describe in another article, you can make text in many ways.

In some cases, very few tools are needed, whereas, in others, a bit more effort is required.

Either way, just as making images unleashes a lot of creativity, so does making texts. 🙂

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Daily Art Journaling in December 2022

Daily Art Journaling in December 2022

I gave myself a challenge, an assignment to make a collage daily. For half the month I was ill (Covid, grrr). I did make collages some days, but on other days I had to skip.

Inspired by a friend who followed a course in art journaling, I too put some first steps on that path.

The main difference with the November collages is the text and the date stamp I added.

It’s great to see the art journal pages of others to get inspired. Look at my Instagram account and click the hashtag #artjournal or #artjournaling. (In the first comment of my posts).

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My Gelli Prints and Collages in November 2022

My Gelli Prints and Collages in November 2022

I gave myself a challenge, an assignment to make a collage daily. Gelli printing made me really enthusiastic, so in November I was totally committed to making Gelli prints.

So much so, that I made a separate article about the process and the discoveries of my experiments that you can read here:

What is Gelli Printing and What Makes it so Amazingly Easy?

It’s great to see the Gelli prints of others to get inspired. Have a look at my Instagram account and click the hashtag #gelliplate or #gelliprint. (In the first comment of my posts).

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A Personal Challenge: Making a Daily Collage while Traveling

A Personal Challenge: Making a Daily Collage while Traveling

Even if you give yourself the assignment to make a collage for 365 days, it can be difficult to keep up. Especially when you travel.

On the other hand, it is very satisfying to find ways to do so.

In October we were still on the road for 2 weeks. Making a daily collage from paper and glue was out of the question, which I solved by making photo collages in Canva or using the Hipstamatic app.

In addition, I made assemblages from materials I encountered along the way.

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