7 Creative Travel Journal Tips and Tricks for the Best Journey

7 Creative Travel Journal Tips and Tricks for the Best Journey

Whether you keep it simple or more complicated, making a creative travel journal during your trips is great fun.

My mother used to make scrapbooks when she was back from a holiday. It was in the pre-digital days, so she had to wait until the film rolls were developed. When time passes we might forget things.

Nowadays we are fortunate to have access to smartphones and small digital printers so we can work on a travel journal during the trip. It is one of my main creative travel journal tips: work on it every day.

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Are Inspiration and Creativity Important for an Interesting Life?

Are Inspiration and Creativity Important for an Interesting Life?

Although many people don’t consider themselves creative (which I don’t understand and even disagree with), inspiration and creativity are important to us.

Both the word inspiration and the word creativity are used in 2 ways. Physical versus mental.

Inspiration literally means inhalation on the one hand, expressiveness or divine force on the other. The latter is attributed by some to a higher power and by others called the flow or being in the zone.

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Making a Creative Travel Journal while Travelling Doubles the Fun

Making a Creative Travel Journal while Travelling Doubles the Fun

My personal challenge of 2022/23 to make a collage (almost) daily sparks a lot of creativity and inspiration. The easiest way to work on a collage is at home where I have all my materials and tools, making it extra challenging when we go on a trip. How do I make a collage then?

Last year I solved that ‘problem’ by taking lots of pictures and either making a Canva collage or collecting small items and putting those together in an assemblage. The end result was a photo.

This time I planned to make collages in a creative travel journal, where I wanted to include more elements of a day.

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It’s Great to Combine Collage with Drawing or Painting

It's Great to Combine Collage with Drawing or Painting

Collages can be created in many ways.

Sometimes, I fill the entire surface with magazine pieces that are put together to create an interesting composition.

In other cases, however, I prefer to leave the collage open and simple, so that I can paint or draw more freely on the background.

To combine collage with drawing or painting is a great way of making mixed media images.

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Using a Theme when Expressing Yourself is Truly Inspiring

Using a Theme when Expressing Yourself is Truly Inspiring

My inspiration often comes from working on a theme. In photography, drawing, painting, and making collages it’s a great way to keep getting ideas and expressing yourself.

You might know that my personal challenge at this moment is making a daily collage for a year. I didn’t start on January 1 but at a moment when the idea came to me. And I am not too rigid that it really has to be each day because, as we all know, life sometimes comes in between.

At the start, I just made collages. Yet, to make 365 collages without any underlying thought doesn’t keep being interesting. After a couple of months, I developed a subtheme dedicated to one month. Like art journaling, printing pictures, or making stencils.

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Gelli Plate and Stencils Make Interesting Combinations

Gelli Plate and Stencils Make Interesting Combinations

Stencils are a marvellous addition to your Gelli printing. The possibilities are endless. You can use them as a background or repeat shapes such as silhouettes or letters.

Of course, you can combine a Gelli plate and stencils, yet stencils can also be used on paper, walls or textiles. 

Especially if you have several stencils, you can use them repeatedly and still have a different result every time. So stencils are a great addition to your creativity toolbox.

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How to Transfer Photos and Texts to a Gelli Print? 2 Methods

How to Transfer Photos and Texts to a Gelli Print?

In my personal challenge, an assignment to make a collage daily for 365 days, I am focusing on one aspect a month. More or less. It’s not written in stone, of course.

The month before, I primarily worked on art journaling, using illustrations and text. February 2023 was dedicated to transferring pictures to the Gelli prints.

I used several methods. The main difference was either Gelli printing or using the copy machine on tissue paper.

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Creating Unique Text in an Art Journal and my Pages of January 2023

Creating Unique Text in an Art Journal and my Pages of January 2023

My personal challenge, an assignment to make a collage daily for 365 days, is almost halfway.

This month I focused on the combination of text and image. As I describe in another article, you can make text in many ways.

In some cases, very few tools are needed, whereas, in others, a bit more effort is required.

Either way, just as making images unleashes a lot of creativity, so does making texts. 🙂

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Daily Art Journaling in December 2022

Daily Art Journaling in December 2022

I gave myself a challenge, an assignment to make a collage daily. For half the month I was ill (Covid, grrr). I did make collages some days, but on other days I had to skip.

Inspired by a friend who followed a course in art journaling, I too put some first steps on that path.

The main difference with the November collages is the text and the date stamp I added.

It’s great to see the art journal pages of others to get inspired. Look at my Instagram account and click the hashtag #artjournal or #artjournaling. (In the first comment of my posts).

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