2019 030 …keeps the doctor away
I am going to turn this into a series. It’s apple time up here in Murcia, so it is a very appropriate subject. A (digital) watercolor this time.
I am going to turn this into a series. It’s apple time up here in Murcia, so it is a very appropriate subject. A (digital) watercolor this time.
I love drawing or painting an apple. Trying to get a 3D form from something simple like that. It’s a never ending inspiration.
In the end (also see yesterday’s post) I decided for a handwritten first letter and printed others. And although it’s not Carnival in February I wanted a festive design. So here you go; scribbles and stars. I used several digital tools this time: Procreate on the iPad and Illustrator and Photoshop on the Mac. So … Read more
It’s time to work on my February page for the bullet journal. This is just a lot of doodling with the letter F. I want an initial that is curly and I am also experimenting to see whether the rest of the word should be handwritten or printed.
Walking in the mountains means following the signs that are painted on rocks. We walked part of the yellow route that coincided with the red route. I made this painting in Procreate and again fiddled a bit with the brushes. On Youtube you can see the process.
My drawing today was purely practical. I am making a new routine for my morning exercises and always use a visual reminder. Once the exercises are ingrained I don’t need it anymore, but that may take a while. The drawing is simply made with a black pen. Sometimes I use a felt tip pen, other … Read more
An abstract this time. Just playing with colors and brush strokes.
Part of my diary is a BuJo, or a BulletJournal. The difference with a ‘normal’ diary is the style. A BuJo is pointwise and short, where a diary will be extended text at times. The Bullet Journal was developed by Ryder Carroll with the intention of living intentionally. Nowadays there are hundreds of Pinterest and … Read more
Do you know acrylic paint? I have always liked it more than oil paint, because it dries much faster. It has other advantages: It dries fast Transparent and opaque Cheap Applicable to different surfaces, like paper, linen, wood and more A big disadvantage though is that it’s artificial. So when you rinse your brushes under … Read more