Enjoy Art for Free with these 17 Attractive Tips

Enjoy Art for Free with these 17 Attractive Tips

Art sometimes has an elitist character. Artists are partly the cause of this – yes, guilty, me too at times *blushing* – by stating that the public does not understand our art and thus creating an unnecessary distance. 

Self-proclaimed art lovers are partly the cause of this by being haughty and feeling they stand above the masses. While of course, everyone can enjoy art. And don’t worry: not all art needs to be understood or even liked.

In my (free) eBook “How to get the most out of a visit to the museum” I give tips to enjoy art, but museums usually require an entrance fee.

So how can you enjoy art for free?

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Possible Mistakes in Cyanotype and Some Useful Solutions

Possible Mistakes in Cyanotype and Some Useful Solutions

If you start a new hobby, you will make mistakes. That’s part of the game, also when you make cyanotypes, and it’s okay.

Some mistakes are final, but that’s “tuition money” most of the time. Other errors can either be covered up or corrected. And some mistakes have a surprising effect. Beautiful results came from accidental errors.


The most important tip is to keep a log so that you know what you did. ​By the way, a log is also convenient to repeat successful results.

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12 WordPress Tips for Beginners. Readability, Design, User Experience

12 WordPress Tips for Beginners. Readability, Design, User Experience

In How to Make Money from your Hobby or Passion? one of the mentioned possibilities is having your own website.

Most hosting providers offer a one-click process to install a WordPress blog, which makes starting really easy.

So this article WordPress Tips for Beginners is not about installing, but about aspects to make visiting your website a great experience.  

I will explain 12 aspects that – once implemented – will give your visitors a great user experience. Making sure they want to come back. 

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11 Steps to Start a Website for Personal or Business Use

11 Steps to Start a Website for Personal or Business Use

When you start something new, all the required steps can be overwhelming, to say the least. And this is especially the case when you want to start a new website. I want to break down this complicated process for you in 11 steps.

I won’t promise that makes it easier, but it surely will give you a bigger sense of control, which does wonders for your peace of mind. A relaxed mind can be more creative and productive than a stressed one.

In this article, I describe 11 steps to start a website. I will add some information to each step. Either by describing it here or by providing the link to an extensive article I wrote about that specific issue.

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How to Improve the Colour Quality of your Printed Pictures

How to Improve the Colour Quality of your Printed Pictures

The quality of the printers is improving fast. Nowadays a lot of colour printers have more than four cartridges, making sure all the tones are printed. 

Yet, the extra cartridges are grey or black, never a colour, which means there are still colours you see on the screen that can’t be printed on paper.

Taking pictures and printing them on your colour printer can be disappointing. Sometimes the result is NOT what you expected. I’ll give you the reasons for that disappointing result and whether you can improve the colour quality of your precious photographs.

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Is it Absolutely Necessary to Have a Facebook Account?

Is it Absolutely Necessary to Have a Facebook Account?

Is it necessary to have a Facebook account? When you have a creative hobby or profession and want to share your work with others, you need to be on social media.

So on which social media do you have to be and how do you make your presence successful?

In this article, I talk about Facebook and in another one, I gave a review of 365 Days of Facebook Success, which is a helpful tool.

If you are starting out building a social media presence, my recommendation is not to start on all the platforms you can find. It’s too overwhelming, trust me. Start with one, and once you get the hang of it, build from there by adding one other social medium at a time.

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59 Interesting Ideas for Hobby Products to Sell

59 Interesting Ideas for Hobby Products to Sell

Where do we get ideas for hobby products to sell? I have written down 59 ideas here.

Partly these are products I have made or am still making myself. And of course, you can find loads of ideas on the internet. Great platforms for that are Pinterest and Instagram.

And a great way to develop ideas is to brainstorm. Writing this article I did that on my own, but brainstorming with 2 or more people produces a ton of ideas. Start writing down some keywords and from there go on and on. This is such a fun thing to do!

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How to Use Layers in Photoshop to Make a Festive Easter Card

How to Use Layers in Photoshop to Make a Festive Easter Card

Using layers in any creative computer program is a marvellous way to enhance our creativity. In this article, I will explain how to use layers in Photoshop, applied to an Easter card.

Once you know how to benefit from working with layers, you can use them for any kind of creative expression. 

Besides using them for masking, I often toggle between layers to turn them ‘on’ and ‘off’ so I can judge differences. Making variations and looking at which one pleases me most, is easy that way.

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